Evacuations & Shelter in Place


  • The evacuation of all or part of the campus will be announced and depending upon circumstances, directed by emergency personnel, University Security, Facilities Services or administrators. All persons may be asked to immediately vacate the site in question and persons may be directed to relocate at a specific site.
  • Leave the building swiftly using the nearest safe exit.
  • Do not use elevators, unless authorized to do so by police, fire, or other emergency personnel.
  • Once outside, proceed to a clear area from the affected building. Keep streets, fire lanes, hydrant areas, and walkways clear for emergency vehicles and personnel. Evacuate further if directed by emergency personnel.
  • Do not return to an evacuated building until you are informed by emergency personnel that you may enter the building.

Evacuation Procedures for Individuals with Disabilities or otherwise in need of assistance

  • If you are permanently or temporarily disabled or otherwise in need of assistance, please inform Accessibility Resources (mnsu.edu/access) to help determine an action plan based upon your specific needs. 

See Evacuation Procedure

Shelter in Place

  • In the event of an emergency University officials may notify the campus community to either shelter-in-place or go into lockdown.  This means to seek immediate refuge and remain during the emergency. 
  • If outside, seek cover in the nearest building
  • If the building is locked, move away from the danger
  • Avoid doors & windows, turn off lights & silence phones
  • Lock or block entry to your hiding place.  Hide:  Concealment vs Cover
  • Do not leave until "all clear" is issued.  
  • If the emergency involves a hazardous material select a small interior room with no or few windows and take refuge there.
    • Close windows and apply duct tape if advised to do so.
  • Call 911 or University Security at 507-389-2111.
  • Lock downs are difficult to implement on campus. Our facilities and their use by large variety of students, staff and visitors make lock-down procedures challenging. In situations where a high school might call for a lock-down, our campus may call for “shelter in place”.