Student Activity Fee Allocations & Budgets

Role of Student Government

Activity Fees

Under the Student Government Constitution the Student Government plays a central and determining role in the adoption of the fee schedule and the allocation of $2.6 million in Student Activity Fee receipts to various programs. The Student Government's Student Allocations Committee conducts hearings to determine what to recommend to the Student Senate for its consideration.

Student Activity Fee Funding Guidelines

Student Activity Fee Budget

Student Fee Comparison Rates

The Student Government is also a player in setting the Student Union Fee ($3,444,000 est.), the state-wide Student Government Fee ($169,000) for Students United (student government organization affiliated with the Minnesota State University System), the Technology Fee ($3.0 million), Health Service Fee ($1,708,000 est.), Campus Recreation Facility Fee ($809,000 est.), and the Intercollegiate Athletics Fee ($1,175,000 est.).

Non-budgeted Funds Request Form

This form is for use by departments who already receive funding from Student Activities Fees, who have realized an unexpected expense.

Examples might include competition travel, a special concert or unanticipated personnel expense.


Non-budgeted Funds Request Form