Residence Hall Damages

Upon receiving keys to their room assignment, students are given a Room Condition Report (RCR) or Apartment Condition Report (ACR) to complete.

  • This form allows students to note the condition of the room when they move-in (including any observed damage that is pre-existing).
  • Students submit their RCR to their Front Desk. Failure to submit the RCR by the deadline will result in a $25 administrative charge and a staff member completing the form on the student's behalf (by scheduling a time to come to the student's room).

When the student moves out, the RCR is used to compare the condition of the room at check-out to the condition noted at check-in. Damages beyond normal wear-and-tear will be billed to the student. Prices for common residence hall damage are listed in the Student Guide that each student receives upon moving in (copy below for reference).

Stadium Heights Damage Price List

Main Campus Damage Price List