Teaching for Social Justice

Teaching for social justice is about seeing students for who they are and their cultural and geographic backgrounds. When we see students for who they are, they become assets to the classroom, contributors to the learning environment. We strive to make every course on our campus to be this kind of learning environment.

What is social justice education?

Review this article from Education Week that explores social justice education and provides a process for getting started in creating a socially just classroom.

Inclusive Teaching Practices Toolkit

There are 10 practices that instructors should adopt to create an inclusive learning environment for any teaching setting. Review these practices here:  https://acue.org/inclusive-teaching-practices-toolkit/

Inclusive and Equitable Teaching ACUS Curriculum Crosswalk

To achieve equity, curriculum design and teaching practices need to embrace diversity. “Just as we approach our disciplines with prior assumptions and theoretical orientations, we must ensure that we approach our teaching, and our students, with equitable beliefs about their ability to learn and the opportunity gaps that we have the ability to close” (Association of College and University Educators, 2020, p. 2).


Difficult Conversations with Students and Colleagues

The 2020 elections have left many folks feeling uneasy and concerned about how to discuss their feelings with others. As instructors, guiding students to share their thoughts in a space where they can come together and process the ongoing election events can be difficult. Living Room Conversations may be a resource that can guide your conversations with students and colleagues.