Nancy Sprengeler, Educational Talent Search

| Director

Address: 356 Wiecking Center
Phone: 507-389-5175


  • Janesville, MN


  • Minnesota State University, Mankato (BS-Communications) (MS-Experiential Education)

Things we can talk about

You, your journey, your concerns and how to make the most of your college experience. I love to assist with career exploration and academic success strategies, but I’m open to what’s on your mind and helping you identify the best resources to move thoughts to action.

I am available for

  • In person
  • Phone call
  • Email
  • Zoom

Why I want to be a Maverick Firsts Advocate

Because forty years ago as a first generation student myself, I found myself on a college campus not knowing what I didn’t know. It wasn’t that I didn’t know the answers, I didn’t even know the questions!! I was so fortunate to have staff, faculty and friends that were there to help me find my way. It was about connecting with people who know what you may benefit from before you even knew it was available. When people ask me “If you had the opportunity to go back and re-experience your college years, would you?”, my answer is YES, without a doubt! I learned so much about me, my abilities, my career interests, my values, and how to enjoy the journey, because others invested in my experience. I want to give back that sense of comfort in knowing someone is here to help guide you along the way. I want to help others see that we all have challenges, we all have dreams, we all have opportunities, but it’s what we do with it that matters. I want to help you make the most of your college years because you have the confidence of knowing how to navigate through the steps to own your success.

Other information about me

I’d like to be a small town Oprah, having the chance to interview people and learning about their stories. I love learning about people, their background, their culture, their journey, and their dreams . . . their story. I recently learned about members of my family from long ago and I am completely fascinated. We all have something to teach and much to learn. Other random facts . . . I love dogs, cats, plants, and music.

Torch end