MDI: Microaggressions and Intersectionality

Tuesday, February 1, 2022
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
CSU 201 or Zoom - all registrants will receive a zoom link and room location

Join students Reauna Stiff and Idman Ibrahim, with Professor Dani Scott, and Asian American Affairs Director Pakou Lee, and Violence Awareness and Response Program Director Shadow Rolan for a panel discussion on the reality of microaggressions on our campus and how intersectionality amplifies these challenges for women of color.

The Maverick Diversity Institute offers challenging and unique workshops and programs that will help you to become knowledgeable on inclusivity, access, and equity in your workplace and classroom environment. Participate in 4 sessions and earn a LinkedIn Badge! Students who participate in 4 sessions get a badge and a sweatshirt!
Registration Link:


Liz Steinborn-Gourley