Keeping It Real: Let’s Talk About Graduate School

Wednesday, February 16, 2022
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
CSU 245 or Zoom

Let's 'Keep It Real'...conversations about a post-bachelor degrees are on the rise as a result of a graduate degree being more desired for many industries. However, many students, especially students of color, are not introduced to the idea of obtaining post-bachelors degree until they enter college or are preparing to graduate. Let's break the cycle and have a conversation about graduate degrees, programs, assistantships, and more! Hear from a panel of pan-African students who are pursuing their master's currently at MSU, M! Learn how to attend school for FREE and the reality that graduate school is a lot more interesting than a bachelors.

Join the conversation in-person or via Zoom using the link below.

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Kenneth Reid