Sarah Longtin, Educational Advisor

Address: 356 Wiecking Center
Phone: 507-389-5175

About Sarah:

As an Educational Advisor

Best tip I have for you as you think about your future:
  • Think about what's important to you and where you want to end up.
Major in college:
  • Recreation, Parks, and Leisure Services with an emphasis in Leisure Planning & Management
My favorite class in college:
  • Commercial Recreation
Other careers/majors I had considered:
  • Teaching, Marketing, Saleswoman
What I loved about college:
  • Getting out of my shell and taking leadership roles I would've never expected. I pushed myself to take chances and meet new people.
A job that I don’t feel I could do but intrigues me:
  • Anything in the trades! Electrician, HVAC, Plumbers, Mechanics, etc...
Torch end